ALC211K - Advanced Digital Portfolio

Overview & Policies - Spring 2013


Time / Location:
Friday 10:35 – 11:25 a.m. / SLC Computer Lab

Noah Lapidus, Associate Director of Web Services, ESM
Mike Reed, Information Analyst & Assistant Director CMIE, IML

Noah's Office Location:
ESM 35A (Near Facilities, by appointment only). Phone 274-1158


Required Materials


There is no text required for this course. We will be providing web-based resources and recommendations throughout the course.

If you wish to work on your own computer (laptop etc), you may do so, but should install the software we are using for class. For reference, we will be using the following free software:



Firefox Extensions (cross-platform)

We will also use Adobe Photoshop for graphics manipulation and preparation.

If you use lab resources, be aware that the Macs are equipped with all the software you will need, while PC's may be limited.

You will be required to purchase a domain name ( or similar) and hosting outside of ESM. Recommendations will be offered. Be prepared to spend about $60 per year.

You will be required to provide digital content for your site, including, but not limited to: photography, audio, video, and written copy. Students who have done some of this in previous courses or outside of class will have an advantage. We will not be taking class time to develop content.


Classroom Policies (Attendance, Lateness, etc.)

Attendance is absurdly important in this class. Bear in mind that we'll be presenting a great deal of technical information in this course and won't be able to repeat class information on an individual basis for those who decide to miss class; an absence can only be excused for a substantial reason. If more than 3 classes are missed, you could be asked to drop the course or take a mandatory reduction in grade.  Please notify us prior to class if you know that you will not be in attendance. Students who are conscientious about notifying us of absences will get priority treatment for one-on-one meetings (catch-up time) if it is available.

Food and beverages: This class is being held in a computer lab. Computers don't like coffee, soda, pizza, or other sticky things. Therefore, you should load up on caffeine and/or food before class, not during. Our use of the computer lab is provided through the kindness and generosity of Nigel Waters and the Eastman Technology and Media Production Department.


Everyone's favorite topic... Although ALP asks that we keep this course from being “pointlessly academic”, we also wish to maintain an acceptable level of academic rigor and integrity. Please know that we have only the highest level of appreciation for the schedules you keep as Eastman students and will endeavor to limit our assignments, and keep them to focused and meaningful activities. That said, here's how we'll come up with our grade:

20% quizzes (2, each worth 10%)

20% assignments, checkpoints and attendance (note that unexcused absenses can result in a grade reduction independant of this score).

60% final project

Grades will be assigned according to the usual standard: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69), F (0-59)


A syllabus is posted on the course web site. It is subject to change.


Please feel free to contact me at the email address above at any time.